Screw The Number

I was having lunch with a girlfriend and we were discussing our "number". You know the number I'm talking about. She leaned in and whispered hers with some shame. It was in the double-digits.

When I was growing up, I was completely uncomfortable around boys. My parents were more protective than most, so I didn't spend much time going to "mixed" parties or hanging out at the 7-11. By the time I was 13 years old, my friends knew their way around first and second base and I wasn't even in uniform. Until I was 16 and dating the guy who became my first husband, I was ashamed by my total ineptitude with all things sexual. This is my official apology to the guy who's pants I struggled to undo for at least 15 minutes and then froze with absolutely no idea what to do next.

Growing up and even now in mid-life, we judge ourselves for having too little or too much experience with sex. That we are either frigid (that one still stings) or a slut. Trying to find that "right" number.

When I think about what I want for my daughters, I get clear about what I want for myself, for all women, and heck, even for men. I want us to be free to make our own decisions about sex, to have it or not, without suffering harsh judgement. I want us to have an abundance of love and pleasure. I want us to know that our value isn't determined by our sexual experience. That our value is unconditional and its source is our very spectacular existence.

Screw the number.


Tough Times


Damaged Goods