Tiny House

What the hell is the appeal of the tiny house? Every time I turn on HGTV, there is a new show about living in 200 square feet. And I watch. And I fantasize about tiny living.

I am committed to living simply. I am committed to de-cluttering and, even better, not acquiring shit. But to fit everything I own into 200 square feet?! I would have to say goodbye to seasonal decorations (Sorry kids, no christmas tree cookies this year. Just circles cut out using our one glass). Goodbye to anything sold at Costco. Goodbye to my nail polish collection. I just counted. 44 bottles. Shoes. 28 pair. Coats. 15. Sorry, my obsessive nature was getting a bit revved up. I'll stop counting stuff.

So, what's the draw of the tiny house?

It represents extremely simple living. And I like extremes. It would be a challenge and a project. And I like challenges and projects. All good. But I think there's something else. I am more interested in a tiny house when I am feeling trapped or restless. When I forget that freedom is a state of mind and it has nothing whatsoever to do with where I live or how many pairs of shoes I own. So, I will remind myself that everywhere I go, there I am. That I carry my freedom or lack thereof in my mind and spirit and I could feel stuck or free in 200 square feet or 2,800 square feet. That I create my life……

Wait. I just threw up in my mouth. I do actually believe all that stuff but I still made myself puke. Here's the truth. Yah, yah, I know I'm free. But when I have less stuff, a smaller space, fewer appointments in my calendar, and no unread emails, I find it easier to remember that I'm free. So, I just threw out 38 bottles of nail polish while yelling “Freedom” at the top of my lungs. OK since I have committed to being honest with you, I didn't yell it. But I thought it.


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