Too Sweet

Damn. The new Hozier song, Too Sweet, has hit too close to home.

You treat your mouth like it's heaven's gate. The rest of your body like you're the TSA. Baby, just now and then don't you want to wake up... smelling like a bon fire, lost in a haze. You're too sweet for me.

I have developed a few tools that help me live an intentional life. One of them is the idea of a tipping point. A centre point on any number of continuums at which I'm optimizing my life. One of those continuums is that of pleasure and fulfillment. There's a sweet spot at which I enjoy just the right amount of the instant gratification of pleasure balanced with sacrificing pleasure for the delayed gratification of fulfillment. But I don't spend much time on that sweet spot. I spend most of my time sacrificing pleasure in the pursuit of fulfillment.

I don't drink unless we're talking about greens and protein shakes. I rarely sleep past 5am. I treat my mouth like it's heaven's gate, watching what and how much I eat. I'm always training for something and rest days are my least favourite part of any program. I hate it when people ask me what I do for fun. Honestly? Nothing. Next question.

Hozier has called me out. I've been taking this fulfillment thing too far. Time for some pleasure. Looks like little me knew how to do pleasure, delighted by picking daisies. But big me isn't sure I remember how. Hopefully it's like riding a bike.


My Full, Broken Heart


The Wild Side